Import & Optimization

Tile Image Format – Finest Scale & Courser Scales

This determines the image file format used when Maps n Trax imports a single large image file (eg, TIFF, PDF, JPEG, PNG) and breaks it up into smaller tiles for easier management during display.  The image tiles can be stored as either small JPEG files or small PNG files.  JPEG uses less storage space than PNG but JPEG loses image quality when the files are being saved whereas PNG is garanteed to retain full image quality (so long as the image is not changed in other ways before saving).

PNG also allows for transparency which is important for non-rectangular images and for maps that have been warped (reprojected) for use in Maps n Trax as they will ususally have some transparent areas around the edges.

This option can be set separately for the finest scale (zoomed right in) and for coarser scales (zoomed out).  This way users can get the best quality and transparency when zoomed in, while still saving on storage space by using lesser quality for coarser scaled versions of the image.

Note that the setting for coarser scale will always be ‘JPEG’ if ‘JPEG’ is selected for the finest scale.

Default:  PNG

JPEG Tile Image Quality

This value determines the quality to use when saving image tiles as JPEGs when a single large image file is being imported.  The lower the quality, the smaller the storage space required for the tiles.  This option is only available when JPEG is selected as the tile image format.

Default:  75%

Default Import Atlas

The Atlas into which new maps should be stored.

Default: (none).  If only one atlas exists, then new maps will be placed in that atlas.  If more than one atlas exists, a new atlas will be created for each import.

Default Import Directory

The Directory into which new tracks should be stored.

Default: (none).  If only one directory exists, then new tracks will be placed in that directory.  If more than one directory exists, a new directory will be created for each import.

GPX & KML Files Import As

Choose whether GPX and KML files should be imported as tracks or as maps (actually as map sheets).

Default:  Track